Prior to Commencing Your Cleaning Contract…
You have screened potential contractors and selected your preferred cleaners (if not, check out our previous blogs for tips & traps).
Now for the last steps in the process to ensure you start well.
If you start well you will have a better chance of long term success…and keep a happy office! Happy office = happy Office Manager.
Below is a shortlist of what the cleaning contractor should do and what the client (office manager/property owner) should do prior to starting the cleaning service.
Cleaning Contractor responsibility
- organise a ‘Pre Start’ meeting (particularly for those who will be physically cleaning the property), including a site orientation, safety assessment, confirm access and security information, ….ask questions
- confirm if extra time is required for the ‘initial clean’ to help achieve a maintainable standard (sometimes the previous contractors don’t leave it in great condition – that’s why they aren’t there anymore)
- confirm if consumables/dispensers need to be supplied
- provide vendor details so that the account departments have the required detail – billing is important!
- when service commences, seek early feedback and be responsive
Client responsibility
- get keys back quickly from the previous contractor
- deactivate the alarm codes used previously (and set up new codes for the new team)
- advise security provider regarding new cleaning contractors being onsite
- confirm if inductions are required or any other Pre Start requirements
- advise the staff in your building so they don’t get a surprise when they find someone new after hours
- your legal obligations: provide reasonable access to the site/facility
- provide access to electricity and water
- ensure reasonable security and safety for visitors/contractors to your site
- have your own appropriate insurance cover (on top of the contractor’s own insurance)
- after service commences, provide early feedback
- If you haven’t before, be open and honest with the contractor regarding why you are changing so they can start with a clear understanding of expectations.
Off to the best possible start!
Later we will chat about how to maintain both the relationship and the cleaning service standards.
If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact the team at Duticall