Can’t break out of your commercial cleaning contract? Imagine this… The performance of your contracted cleaners is consistently falling short of standards, your colleagues are complaining, your feedback isn’t resulting in improvements but you are stuck for options…or… your budgets have tightened and you need to reduce the spend on your cleaning service but you […]
READ MOREWhat size cleaning company for my business?
When deciding what sort of cleaning company is right for your office or facility one of the key questions is: “are they the right fit?” The size and structure of a cleaning company is one of the factors to consider. Below are some simple Pro’s & Cons for Small, Medium and Large cleaning companies SMALL […]
READ MOREOffice Managers: 5 Office Cleaning Questions to Kick off 2015
Office Managers: 5 Office Cleaning Questions to Kick off 2015 We thought we would kick start our blogging for 2015 with a post that proved to be very popular with our followers, this time last year. After the Christmas/New Year wind down, a critical look at the current cleaning arrangements for your office facility is […]
READ MOREOur office is bigger the cleaning budget isn’t
The Cleaning Cost Squeeze Are you facing the situation where your facility is growing – more occupants, more physical space required (sqm), more fixtures and equipment? That’s great news but….. At the same time are you being directed to maintain your costs? “Cleaning budgets can’t increase…we have just increased our labour costs, we can’t afford […]
READ MOREThe Importance of the Cleaning Service Specification
One of the most important tasks when setting up the cleaning service for your office facility is to make sure you create a good Cleaning Service Specification (or Scope of Work). We often meet with prospective clients who don’t have a specification, so the risk of ending up with a cleaning company who aren’t meeting […]