Product Review: “Keep the vermin out of your bins”
Ever turned up at work only to find that the ‘local wildlife’ have decided to invite all of their mates around for dinner in the staff lunchroom rubbish bin? Not very pleasant, often very messy and extremely unhygienic !
Normally you’ll find a wonderful variety of food scraps in the staff lunch room rubbish bin. Particularly toward the end of the week (where it’s only a weekly cleaning service) and the bin is getting to it’s limit. Unless you have the pest control man on site every week, the regular scroungers including cockroaches, mice, flys and of course the variety of house geckos that have adapted so briliantly to our environment, are going to ‘party hard’ at this magnificent ‘vermin banquet’.
Aside from replacing the rubbish bin in the kitchen on a daily basis there is another solution that may just solve the problem described above. One of our key suppliers put us onto this product Mint X, a bag designed to deter the critters from getting into your rubbish.
Here’s how it works. Each bag is impregnated with a mixture of blended natural oils that the pests don’t like. These include;
- Methyl Salicylate
- Corn Mint Oil
- Camphor White Oil
- Eucalyptus Oil
These products meet the required standards for pesticide registration ensuring product safety & Efficacy. Indpendent lab reports indicate that the treated bags are ‘human & pet’ friendly while being a great deterent to pests.
So what can you expect from these bags under our local conditions. From all reports;
- They repel rats & mice
- Cockroaches don’t like them
- Even insults the pesky fruit fly
- They are very strong & durable which is great for preventing spills & leaking due to tearing
- The bag itself has a pleasant minty aroma
- It improves the effectiveness of your overall pest control management
- Birds don’t like the scent! Yay
One of the areas where it is effective is outdoors where rubbish bags are thrown into a larger skip bin. The Ibis & Crow are notorious for getting in and ripping open rubbish bags where an external bin lid is left slightly ajar. The last thing you want is it to turn up to work on a Monday and find last weeks food scraps strewn across your carpark. Well, good news, birds don’t like the smell of the bag either and will think twice about foraging in the bin.
We think this product has some real merit and if it does what it says it will do then that’s got to be a good thing for overall cleanliness and hygiene in your workplace.
If you would like us to contact you to assist with your cleaning service requirements just contact us using the quick form below